Create the Perfect DIY Mini Boxed Zipper Pouches for your Tiny Essentials
Keeping track of small essentials whenever we leave the house can be quite a challenge. Whether it’s earplugs, earphones, charging cables, or other tiny items, throwing them loosely into your purse can quickly turn it into a disorganized mess. To help you stay organized and keep your belongings in order, we’ve got the perfect solution: the DIY mini boxed zipper pouch.

This tutorial is part of a series of different zipper pouch tutorials designed to meet varying needs. By following this guide, you’ll learn how to create your own mini boxed zipper pouches, which are perfect for ensuring that your tiny essentials are always neatly stored and easily accessible.
Why Make Mini Boxed Zipper Pouches?
I’ll get straight to the point because there are THREE things I love about this project:
- These zipper pouches include lining, so no raw edges on the inside
- Great for using up scraps and batting scraps: You can use the quilt-as-you-go method with selvage and batting scraps to make the panels for your mini boxed zipper pouches
- Lastly, these pouches are small but since they are boxy, they can hold a surprisingly LARGE amount of small items!
So, let’s dive into the DIY mini boxed zipper pouch tutorial and make organization stylish and straightforward!
(2) quilted panels, each 7″ x 6″ [A] – No backing needed on the other side of batting
(2) inner lining fabric, each 7″ x 6″ [B]
(1) 2″ x 4″ zipper tab fabric [C]
(1) zipper, at least 8″ long [D]

The quilted panels shown in this project were made using the quilt-as-you-go method with selvage strips. Visit this blog post to learn how to make these panels, or prepare (2) quilted panels using your own preferred method.
Preparing the Zipper Tabs
- Press the 2″ x 4″ zipper tab fabric into quarters by first pressing it in half, wrong sides together, lengthwise. Then, open it up and press the (2) long edges closed so that they meet at the center crease [E].
- Fold the outer edges in [F], then fold the unit closed in half [G] so that there are no raw edges along the length of the tab.
- Topstitch on both long edges with an 1/8″ seam [H], then cut the unit in half [H] to make (2) zipper tabs that are each 2″ long [I].
Set aside your zipper tabs for a later step.

Sewing Panels onto the Zipper
- On the back of a quilted panel, make (2) marks at the top that are 1/2″ away from each side [J]. Repeat for the other quilted panel. In the following steps, do not sew outside of these marks.
- From bottom to top: align your lining right side up, zipper right side up, and (1) quilted panel right side down [K].
- Sew a 1/4″ seam through all three layers, in between the marks made in step 1 only [L].

4. Open up the panels to uncover the zipper, with its untouched side at the top [M].
5. From bottom to top: align the second lining piece right side up, zipper edge, and second quilted panel right side down. Then, sew a 1/4″ seam through all three layers, in between the marks made in step 1 only [N].

6. Open the unit and press the lining away from the zipper [O]. Turn it over and press the panels away from the zipper [P].
7. Top stitch 1/8″ away from both sides of the zipper, starting and ending both stitches 1/2″ away from the edges [Q].

Making the ZIpper Pouch
1. Place the two quilted panels RST and sew a 1/4″ seam along the entire edge [R], then press the seam open.
2. Place the two inner lining pieces RST and sew a 1/4″ seam along the entire edge, leaving about a 3″ opening in the middle [S]. Backstitch at the opening to secure the seam. Press the seam open and make sure the zipper is open a little more than halfway [T].

3. Collapse the quilted panel and center the seam with the zipper underneath it. Fold a zipper tab in half and place it in between the zipper and quilted panel, with raw edge facing out. Repeat for both sides, and use pins or clips to hold the layers. Do not include the inner lining [U].
4. With the lining side up, sew a 1/2″ seam through the zipper and quilted panels. Hold the lining out of the way when sewing and repeat for both sides [V].

5. Collapse the lining and center the seam with the zipper underneath it. Pin or clip both sides of the lining only to hold it in place [W].
6. With the quilted panel side up, sew a 1/4″ seam away from the edge, through the lining and zipper only. Hold the quilted panel layer out of the way when sewing and repeat for both sides [X].
Boxing the Corners of your Mini Zipper Pouch
- Use an acrylic ruler and marker of your choice to mark 1″ boxes that start from the sewn corners of each quilted panel [Y] and inner lining [Z].

2. Cut along the lines to make square holes in each corner of the quilted panel [AA] and inner lining [BB].

3. Open and collapse each lining corner. Pin, then sew a 1/4″ seam away from the edge [CC].
4. Repeat steps 2-3 for all remaining lining corners, then repeat for all quilted panel corners [DD].
5. Then, locate the inner lining opening and use it to gently turn the zipper pouch right-side out [EE].
6. Sew the inner lining opening shut. Enjoy your new zipper pouch!

What’s Next with your Mini Boxed Zipper Pouch?
You’re ready to be organized and on-the-go with your tiny essentials – or if you’re anything like me, you’ll get addicted enough to make more for your friends!
Speaking of friends, if you enjoyed this tutorial, please consider sharing this page and site with a friend. And to continue on, check out this decorative zipper pouch tutorial on the blog and don’t forget to subscribe at the panel on the right if you’d like me to e-mail you these posts as soon as they publish.
See you soon,