Bringing my Musical Background to Quilting

I’m going to break a habit right now, and it’s sharing one fact of mine that I don’t tell many people unless if it’s really necessary (to get a job). It’s that I am a graduate of The Juilliard School in NYC, with a Doctorate of Musical Arts in Clarinet Performance (acquired that somewhere else). Today, I am fortunate to share what I’ve learned in my 28 years of playing clarinet with my students at school and as a member of the Boise Philharmonic.
Now, people hear that and seem impressed by it all, and call me talented, etc. but really, what my experiences have shown (your experiences can also say the same!) is that anything worth pursuing takes a ton of work and an even larger amount of failure, all in the midst of a constant search for how to realize and effectively share the beauty that we seek in the world.
It was very humbling to spend 6-7 hours a day in a practice room perfecting the nuances of every note, only to hope that it would all be accurately expressed at a performance and audition, then interpreted the same by an unknown audience with various tastes and perspectives.
What I mean to say in all this is that with my background and experience, I am humbled by your following, and I am in awe of your pursuit of quilting. What are the life experiences that have brought you to quilting, and how have they shaped your perspective on this craft? Don’t hesitate to reply directly to this message. I would love to start a conversation and get to know you all.
Sign up here to join me on this quilting journey and I will send you an audio file of my clarinet music to get us started.