Quilt-As-You-Go with your Selvage and Batting Scraps
If you’re searching for quick and easy projects for selvage and batting scraps, look no further. Many of us admire quilts made entirely from fabric selvage edges, capturing a beautiful history of the fabrics and prints we’ve used over time. You might be like me, just starting to collect selvages and not yet having enough for a full quilt. But that doesn’t mean you can’t start creating with what you have. This is a fantastic way to use up those fabric selvages and batting scraps while creating something beautiful and functional.
And, don’t forget to stay tuned as I’ll guide you in my next post where we will transform these quilted panels into a charming mini boxed zipper pouches!

Why Quilt-As-You-Go? Why Batting and Selvage Scraps?
The selvage and batting scraps part might be more obvious as an economical choice, so let’s get into the quilt-as-you-go. This is the perfect method to use with scraps if you want to make a quick and easy project, because it allows you to skip the basting – simply because you are piecing fabric directly onto the batting! It’s like a two-in-one kind of a deal.
Scroll down to see all instructions, and/or watch the video to see it all in action!
Materials List: Quilt-As-You-Go with Selvage and Batting Scraps
- Selvage edges, each longer than 2 inches
- Batting or batting scraps pieced together with a zigzag stitch to your desired size (Gather two 8″ x 7″ pieces of batting if you will use this to make a mini boxed zipper pouch)
- Optional: Backing fabric to place behind the batting (not necessary for making a mini boxed zipper pouch)
- Sewing machine
- Thread
- Iron and iron mat
- Rotary cutter
- Ruler
- Organize Selvage Strips
Sort your selvage strips into three piles:
- Short: 2 to 4 inches
- Medium: 4 to 8 inches
- Long: Over 8 inches
2. Prepare Batting
- Square up your batting so that it is 1 inch larger than your desired finished size.
- For a mini boxed zipper pouch, cut two 8″ x 7″ rectangles of batting.

Step-By-Step Instructions for Quilt-As-You-Go Selvage and Batting Scraps
- Place Selvage Strip
- Place one selvage strip from the short pile, right side up, so that it covers the bottom left corner of the batting [A].
2. Sew Selvage Strip
- Sew a 1/8″ seam along the top or inner edge of the selvage directly onto the batting [B].
3. Add Next Selvage Strip
- Select the next selvage strip from the short or medium pile and place it right side up along the top/inner edge of the previous strip. Ensure the length of the strip fully covers the batting area. If it does not, choose a longer strip [C].

4. Sew and Press
- Without shifting the bottom edge, place the new strip right sides together (RST) with the previous strip [D]. Sew a 1/4″ seam along the top edge, then open the strip and press [E].

5. Repeat Process
- Repeat steps 3 and 4, selecting strips of appropriate length [F], sewing RST with a 1/4″ seam [G], and pressing [H]. Continue until all of the batting is covered.
- If using extra-long strips, feel free to trim right after sewing onto the batting and re-use the trimmed pieces [I].

6. Square Up and Trim
- When all of your batting is covered with selvage [J], square up the unit to your desired size and trim off any excess selvage [K]. For the mini boxed zipper pouch, trim down to 6″ x 7″. Your quilt-as-you-go unit is now ready for the next project. Enjoy!

What Do We Do Next with our Quilt-As-You-Go Panels?
These panels with selvage and batting scraps are primed and ready to make mini boxed zipper pouches! Our tutorial for making these small and handy pouches will be coming soon. Stay tuned to finish this project, or subscribe at the panel on the right to make sure the tutorial lands directly at your inbox. See you soon!