Adding Facing to the Back of a Quilt
If you’ve ever seen a sleek-looking quilt without the binding to border it, you might have wondered how it works – well at least I did, and I just HAD to try it as well =)
Finished quilt top – basted, quilted, and squared up to your liking
(4) 4 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ Squares, preferably same/matching fabric with the front
(4) 2 1/2″ wide binding strips, 2″ shorter than the length of each side of the quilt (also preferably same fabric)
Needle and Thread
Optional: <a href="http://<a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//" ></a>Command Strip Velcro
- Fold each of the 4 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ Squares on the diagonal to make Triangles. If using Command Strip Velcro, sew the strips to (2) of the triangles.

2. From bottom to top, lay the quilt facing up, Triangles in the corners, and binding strips around the edges. Each binding strip will it to 1″ to each corner to avoid bulkiness when all is said and done. The raw edges will be covered by the corners, and I don’t really plan on washing and using/abusing this quilt, so it’s not really gonna fray for me. All folded edges should face the center of the quilt. The Command Strips should face the quilt and be at adjacent corners. Clip or pin all layers and sew 1/4″ around all edges.
3. Trim the corners to avoid bulk, without crossing the “X” marked by the overlapping stitch lines. Then, my favorite part: Turn the binding inside-out, so that the folded edges are facing the back of the quilt!
4. The binding will need a good press so that it lays flat to the back of the quilt. Reinforce this by sewing the folded edge of the finding to the back of the quilt with needle and thread. The needle shouldn’t go through all three layers, just the backing fabric. Don’t worry about making perfect stitches here, as all will be hidden in the back.
5. This binding gives you the option of hanging the quilt with a dowel, on a hook, or on the wall with Command Strips. I love the <a href="http://<a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="//" ></a>Command Strip velcro because they don’t require me to drill any holes into the walls.

The featured mini quilt is the Seek and Shine Mini pattern, available in my shop for $5.
Comment Below with your questions! Have you tried this before?!